Department of Mathematics Welcomes You
The department was started with the college in June 1967. Shri V.R. Kulli was appointed as full time lecturer in Mathematics was one of the optional subject for PUC Arts/Science & BA/B.Sc one more lecturer namely Shri B.N. Patil was appointed in August 1968. When Mathematics was made major subject for BA II/ II and element of Mathematics and Statistics as a minor subject for BA II.

Presently the department is working with one full time faculty member and one full time on temporary basis with 29 Theory +8 practical=37 teaching hours per week. In the academic year 2020-21 the dept has a total strength 52+73+51=175 ( I, II, III)
Vision of the department:
Mathematics is bound to gain greater significance with the advancement of Science and technology. L T revolution with further necessiate in strengthening the layman. In the college emphasis is bound to be one those aspect of mathematics, which have greater utilitarian Value. The dept would like to explore the new fields of application and impart education according to the changing needs of our times.
It is our mission to engage in the teaching and learning of mathematics that will challenge students to be independent learners and develop sound reasoning, problem- solving, & critical thinking skill necessary to compete in a global society.
Mathematics is supposed to be the mother of all Science. The objective of the department and teachers concerned is to create on atmosphere with students to evolve themselves in understanding stupendously expanded knowledge in mathematics, which should help in future, career.
The department aims at imparting knowledge of mathematics, so that it will be useful in the examination and a pleasant experience in the classroom. Application of mathematics is a necessity in every walk of life. Teaching the importance of mathematics as a useful tool of calculation in science subjects to the students is also an aim of the faculty members. Conduct seminars as selective chapters by helping them with proper existence to prepare the subject in detail.
- Roll of HOD’s
- Present Faculty Member
- Achievement
- Publication
- Research
- Highlights
- Programme outcomes
- Photo Gallery
- Contact Department
Sl No |
Name |
Designation |
Period From To |
1 |
Shri. V.R. Kulli |
Lecturer |
1967 1968 |
2 |
Shri. B.N. Patil |
Lecturer |
1968 1969 |
3 |
Shri. S.S. Chikkagoudar |
1969 2001 |
4 |
Shri. S.K. Bhadrannavar |
2001 2004 |
5 |
Shri L.N. Kulkarni |
Asst. Prof |
2004- |
Sl No |
Name |
Designation |
Qualification |
Date of Joining |
1 |
Shri. L.N. Kulkarni |
Asst Prof |
M.Sc. M.Phil. B.Ed Ph.D on going |
03-09-1994 22-06-2008(Tem) |
2 |
Smt S.B. Amalikoppa |
Lecturer(Ad hoc) |
M.Sc B.Ed. Ph.D |
17-07-2003 |
Shri. L.N. Kulkarni published a paper on the topic ‘Inverse Equitable Domination in Graphs’ at Journal of emerging Technologies & Innovative Research (JETIR) ISBN No: 23495162
Shri. L.N. Kulkarni presented a paper on the topic’ Edge equitable connected domination of subdivision of graphs’ at 2nd international online conference on Emerging Trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research ETMDR-2021. Poornima University, Jaipur.
Smt S.B. Amalikoppa completed Ph.D Degree. The title of the thesis is ‘LIE – 2 ALGEBRA’2010.
Shri. L.N. Kulkarni is doing Ph.D on ‘ Recent Results in Various Domination of Different Classes of Graphs’ at Sharnabasva University Kalaburgi Karnataka
*Plan of action of the department for the next five years. The department has the plan to take up minor research projects.
- 1 He is the IQAC Co-cordinator and Member of RUSA
- 2 He is the Secretary of Alumni
- 3 He was an associate NSS programme officer from 2013-14 to 2015-16
- 4. He is the convener of KRVP.
- 5. Member of RUCTA
- 6. Member of RCU Mathematics Teachers Association
- She is the convenor of Red cross unit
- She is the ranger of Scouts and guider.
- She is the convenor of anti Ragging committee
- She is the convernor of women empowerment cell.
- She was the Chairman of college Magazine (2020-2021) I sem
Algebra I & calculus I
1 Gives the idea of finding inverse of a matrix by elementary transformation
2 To understand the greatest lower bound & least upper bond
3 To understand the Idea of the indeterminate forms by using L.Hospital rule
4 Finding the nth derivative of product of two functions by Leibnitz rule
5 Differetiating expansion of Taylors & Maclaurins theorem II sem
Calculus II & 3 dimensional geometry
Co 1 Finding the angle between radius vector and the angle of interaction of two curves
Co 2 Learns the various forms like Cartesian polar, pedal & parametric
Co 3 Concept of limit, continuous of the functions and verification of homogeneous functions by using Eulers theorem
Co 4 To understand the integration of sinx, cosx, tanx etc.
Co 5 Gives the idea of Sphere, Cone, Cylinder and its equation. III Sem
Algebra II Real analysis & differential equations
Co 1: Find the maximum and minimum values
Co 2: To learn the kinds of the sequences and their properties
C0 3: Verify the given series is convergent or divergent by using different task
Co 4: Test the Abelian group & various properties of groups
Co 5: Learns the various equation like Bernoulli, exact differential equations clairauts form.
Types of sets & polynomial equation of nth degree in one variable. Solve the cubic and biquadratic eqations.
B.Sc IV Sem
Vector calculus, infinite series, differential equations
Co 1 Finding the derivatives of dot product, cross product, and triple product of vectors and application of dot and cross product of two vectors
Co 2 Verify the given series is convergent or divergent by using different tests.
Co 3 Learns various tests on series
Co 4 Identify the particular integrals of forms
Co 5 To understand the homogeneous linear differential equation
Co 6 Find Fourier series for given function with period 2π and 2l
Co 7 Find finite sine and cosine series of expansion for given functions
B.Sc V Sem
5.1 Real analysis
Co 1 To understand the concept Cauchy-Riemann integration. The properties of integrable functions
Co 2 To understand the first and second mean value theorems of integral calculus.
Co 3 Learns the kinds of Improper integrals
Co 4 Explain the properties of Beta functions and relation between Beta and Gamma functions
Co 5 Explain the idea of finding area and volume by double and triple integration
5.2 A Numerical Analysis
Co 1 Explain the various method of Algebric and transcedental equations
Co 2 Define basic concept of operative Delta, Del, Shift operate and find intermediate Values by using Newton’s Gregory forward and backward formulae and Lagranges interpolation formula
Co 3 Compute the first and second order derivatives. Learns the Tropezoibal rule, sinpson’s rules
Co 4 Explain the first order deferential equations by using Taylors, Eulers, Picards Methods.
Co 5 Basic definitions of difference equations
5.2 B (Elective II)
Dynamics and Calculus of Variation
Co 1 Gives the idea of finding the component of radial, transverse, tangential & normal velocities and accelaration of a particle
Co 2 Discuss the motion of a particle under a law of force for polar and pedal forms
Co 3 Gains knowledge regarding projectile of a motion
Co 4 Gives the idea of functional and kinds of functionals
Co 5 Finding the smallest distance between two files for given curve i.s Geodesic. Concept. Isoperimetric problem.
5.3 Number Theory
Co 1 Learns the numbers like prime and composite. Concept of division algorithm and explain the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
Co 2 Explain the theorem on number theory
B.Sc VI Sem
6.1 Complex Analysis and Ring Theory
Co 1 Study about concept of analytic function and Cauchy Riemann equation
Co 2 Explain the various theorems on complex integration
Co 3 Expand complex functions by using Taylors and Laurents series. Nature of the singularities
Co 4 Learns about the calculus of residues and contour integration
Co 5 Gains knowledge in RingTheory
6.2 A( ElectiveIII)
Differantial equations
Co 1 Discuss the conditions of integrability and its solution
Co 2 Basic definitions and power series solutions of ODE’s
Co 3 Concept of Legendres polynomial, recurrence formula
Co 4 Solve the Lagranges linear partial differential equation and standard forms of non linear differential equation
Co 5 Charpits method and solving different types of differential equation by charpits method
6.2 B (Elective IV)
Topology and Laplace Transform
Co 1 Basic definitions of topological space and standard theorems.
Co 2 Definition of Base and Subbase and properties of separation axions
Co 3 Definitions and results on Laplace Transform properties
Co 4 Use inverse Laplace transform to solve differential equation.
Co 5 Apply Laplace Transform to solve first and second order linear differential equation and simultaneous linear differential equations.
6.3 Graph theory
Co 1 Basic concepts of graphs
Co 2 Definitions sub graph, walk, trail and bipartite graph and their properties.
For all sems Practicals
Use the Scilab lab/ Maxima open-source software to execute the practical problems.
Maxima: is an open source computer Algebra system for solving typical calculus problems.
Program Out comes
Po 1 The Mathematics students after the completion of UG course will gain through a knowledge in preparing competitive examination conducted by UPSC/KPSC
Po 2 It is very helpful to study for higher education
Program specific outcomes
Pso 1 To understand the concept of algebra which include equations, numbers and algebraic structures
Pso 2 Students are able to understand and view mathematical structures
Pso 3 To understand mathematical ideas from basic axioms
Department of Mathematics Syllabus -
L.N. Kulkarni
H.O.D Department of Mathematics
V.M.K.S.R Vastrad Arts, Science and V.S Bellihal Commerce College, Hungund
E-mail Id: l.n.hungund@gmail .com
Mobile No: +919448862921