Department of Botany Welcomes You
Vjaya Mahantesh Vidya Vardhak Sangha, Hungund is one of the pioneer and reputed educational organizations in this area. The Sangha started the college in the year 1967 with noble cause of providing higher education to economically and educationally backward rural population of this area. The management was kind enough to include science faculty right from the inception of the college that is 1967. Knowing the importance of life science Botany subject was introduced in the establishment year itself (1967) and taught in this college under the integrated course of Biology in PUC & B.Sc I classes.

Botany was introduced as minor subject in the year 1969, to have a better combination in the science faculty. The Botany subject was taught as minor for 21 years. At that time ours was the only college in the Taluka that had a facility for students to offer Botany subjects in the higher education. The students studied in this Department had good opportunity of joining services in Sericulture department. Students offered Botany subject as minor bagged ranks in the University examinations as here under.
- In this modern world, the old system of teaching classical Botany is gradually losing its charm. We would like to make the subject more attractive by way of adopting new methodology in teaching using OHP and computer CDs etc.
- The department contemplates to start some environment related and applied Botany courses in coming years. Further the department would like to keep pace with rapid development in the field of Botany such as biotechnology, horticulture , harvest technology well as flowery culture .
- The department intends to undertake project for the study of biodiversity of this region.
- The department would like to convince the agriculturists to undertake practices of Vermiculture, and Apiculture.
The prime of the department is to train the students to make their career in Biology and create public awareness about management of natural resources and human population control.
- To make the students aware of the local fauna
- To motivate the student to learn the life science to make their career in Medical science, Agriculture, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Pharmacy.
- Inviting the teachers and students of primary and secondary education to visit the department.
- Supply of the preserved and dissected Zoology specimen to near by schools/ colleges.
- In association with college science forum, local KRVP unit, Health department, Forest department etc, arranging lectures on different aspects.
- To train the students in the field of zoology for competitive examinations.
- To persuade the people of this area to undertake practice of agro based sericulture.
- To popularize Vermicomposting and organic forming.
- To train the students to participate in the competitions of science exhibitions.
- Faculty Profile
- Role of HOD
- E-copies for reference
- Programme Outcomes
- Photo Gallery
- contact department
Name |
Qualification |
Designation |
Year of Experience |
Dr.(Smt) S. K. Math |
M.Sc., Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
31 |
Miss. K. S. Hulageri |
M.Sc. B.Ed |
Lecturer (Ad-hoc) |
05 |
Miss . D.S. Teggi |
M.Sc. B.Ed |
Lecture (Ad-hoc) |
01 |
Dr.(Smt) S. K. Math
- Working as a NAAC Coordinator .
- Working as a President of Alumni Association.
- Worked as a coordinator of various committees of College Union.
- Member of IQAC.
- Member of Library Committee.
- Member of KUCTA and RUCTA.
- Life member of KRVP.
1. Burnell JH & Trinci APJ.1979.fungal walls and hyphal growth, Cambridge university Press. Cambridge
2. Alexepoulos . CJ and Mims. CW. 1989. Industry Mycology, Wiley Eastern LTD. New Dehli
3. Allas RM. 1988. Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications , Macmillan publishing co. Newyork
4. Davis, P.H and Heywood, V .H 1963 Principles of Angiosperms taxonomy. Oliver and body, London
5. Taxononomy of Angiosperms by B. P Pandey
6. Cell and Molecular Biology by- E. D. F. De Robertis—ISE Publication
7. A Text Book of Biotechnology – R. C Dubey – S. Chand Publication
8. Kormondy, E. J 1996. Concepts of Ecology . Prentice Hall , U .S .A 4th edition.
9. Sharma , P. D . 2010 Ecology and environment. Rastogi Publication , Meerut, India . 8th edition
10. Gupta P. K – A Text Book of Cell and Molecular Biology- Rastogi Publication Meerut.
Department of Botany Syllabus –
Department of Botany |
Programme Specific Outcomes |
Students understand the normal & anomalous secondary growth in local plants. |
Students develop skill in simple biochemical laboratory procedures. |
Students enhance the ability & thinking power about the pathogens that cause disease to plants. |
Students have developed ethical approach not to the plants & conserve forest. |
It helps the students to evaluate the performance of multiplication technique & seed storage techniques. |
Students gain the knowledge about biotechnological applications in plants for the GMO. |
Course Outcomes |
Course |
Outcomes |
BSc I: Plant Anatomy and Embryology |
Students are able to understand the internal structures of plants & developmental pattern. Students are able to understand the process of pollution & fertilization in vascular plants. Students understand the normal & anomalous secondary growth in local plants. |
BSc II: Plant physiology and Biochemistry. |
Students develop skill in simple biochemical laboratory procedures. Students are able to understand & explain the concept of Enzyme activities in plant metabolism. Students are able to understand the significance of biomolecules. |
BSc III: Diversity of Cryptograms (Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Plant Pathology and Paleobotany) |
Students enhance the ability & thinking power about the pathogens that cause disease to plants. Students are equipped with skill related to lab & field based studies. Understand the scope & importance of plant pathology. Students are able to know the prevention & control measures of plant disease. |
BSc IV: Diversity of Angiosperms their systematic, Economic Botany & Medicinal |
Students are aware of economically important plants which can be used in pharmaceutical industries. Students develop knowledge about various highly evolved plant |
Botany. |
groups and their community structure. |
BSc V: PI-Plant breeding, Tissue culture & Horticultural practices. PII-Ecology, Environmental Biology & Phytogeography. |
Students have developed ethical approach not to the plants & conserve forest. Students are able to analyse the evolution with general characteristics for future aspects. It helps the students to evaluate the performance of multiplication technique & seed storage techniques. |
BSc VI: PI-Cell biology, Genetics & Evolution. PII-Molecular Biology, Biotechnology & Immunology. |
Understand the biochemical nature of Nucleic acid their role in living systems. Understand the concept of cell & their activities. Students gain the knowledge about biotechnological applications in plants for the GMO. |
S. K. Math
HOD Department of Botany
Principal of V.MKSRV College , Hungund
Phone: +919845949989